.. _detailed_instructions: Detailed instructions ===================== The installer mentioned in the :ref:`quickstart` instructions only supports a limited number of distributions. In case your distributions is not supported, please refer to the following generic instructions to install on your system. Step 0: create a specific user ------------------------------ It is usually advised, for security reason, to always launch a service accessible from the outside world with a user different from ``root``. Therefore, you should create for example the ``koozic`` user, with the appropriate access rights to your music files. Step 1: install prerequisites ----------------------------- First step of installation is to get all the package and pip dependencies. As a references, here are the packages for: - DEB-based distributions: `apt packages `_, `pip packages `_ - RPM-based distributions: `dnf packages `_, `extra pip packages `_ Depending on what is available for your distribution, some dependencies might need to be installed with ``pip`` instead of your package manager. The complete list is given in the `requirements `_. You will also need a recent version of FFmpeg (>= 3.4). **Important note**: ``Pillow==5.4.1`` requires ``zlib1g-dev`` and ``libjpeg-dev``. Step 2: set-up PostgreSQL ------------------------- Second step is to set-up PostgreSQL. Assuming you will run KooZic with the user named `koozic`, you need to create the corresponding PostgreSQL user: :: su - postgres -c "createuser -s koozic" Step 3: Download ---------------- Third step is to download the `latest version of KooZic `_ (get the file ``koozic-*.tar.gz``), uncompress the archive. Step 4: launch KooZic --------------------- Fourth step is to execute this as the ``koozic`` user: :: ./odoo-bin --workers=4 -d koozic-v3 --limit-time-cpu=1800 --limit-time-real=3600 --without-demo=all --no-database-list on Fedora, you need to add ``--db-template=template0`` to the command line. This might be necessary for other distributions as well. After 10-20 seconds (the very first execution takes some time since it needs to create all database- related stuff), you should be able to connect to http://localhost:8069 with the email / password ``admin``.