.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== KooZic uses Python 3.6+, relies on PostgreSQL as a database system and FFmpeg for music transcoding. It uses as a core system the Odoo software. It should work on any GNU/Linux distribution as well as OSX. Unfortunately, windows is not supported. .. _auto_script: Automatic script ---------------- An installation script is provided to automatize installation, un-installation and upgrade. The following OS are supported with the script: * Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04 * Debian 10 * Fedora 31 * OpenSUSE 15.1 Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The script execute the steps detailed in the :ref:`detailed_instructions`. To install run: :: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DocMarty84/koozic_install/v3/koozic_install.py -O koozic_install.py sudo python3 koozic_install.py install Usage: :: koozic_install.py [-h] [-u USER] [-d DIRECTORY] {install,uninstall,upgrade} **Positional arguments** .. glossary:: ``{install,uninstall,upgrade}`` install, uninstall or upgrade mode **Optional arguments** .. glossary:: ``-h, --help`` show the help message and exit ``-u USER, --user USER`` user running the koozic service. The user must already exist and have access to the media library. Default value: ``root``. ``-d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY`` install directory. Default value: ``/opt`` At the end of the installation process, KooZic should be accessible in your browser at http://localhost:8069. Log in with the email / password ``admin``, and change it right away! To add your music in the library, go to Settings > Folders, and add the folder of your choice. For more information, visit the :ref:`folders` documentation page. Once KooZic is up and running, it is advised to set up an :ref:`https` endpoint. Uninstallation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The script can also uninstall KooZic: :: sudo python3 koozic_install.py uninstall Please note that PostgreSQL, which is automatically installed, won't be uninstalled automatically since other services might use it. You might also want to remove FFMpeg at ``/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg``. Docker ------ A `Docker Compose `_ image is available and provides an up and running installation without hassle. It should work on any Docker-supported platform (including Windows). Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Install Docker Compose following the `official instructions `_. 2. Download the ``koozic-*-docker.tar.gz`` file on `Github `_. 3. Edit ``docker-compose.yml`` and replace ``/music`` by the music folder you want to share. 4. Build & run: :: docker-compose up -d ~10-20 seconds after the image is built,, KooZic should be accessible in your browser at http://localhost:8069. Log in with the email / password ``admin``, and change it right away! To add your music in the library, go to Settings > Folders, and add the folder ``/mnt/host``. For more information, visit the :ref:`folders` documentation page. The usual Docker instructions can be used to start and stop the container later on: :: docker-compose start docker-compose stop Uninstallation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following will remove the container: :: docker-compose down Upgrade ^^^^^^^ 1. Download the ``koozic-*-docker.tar.gz`` file on `Github `_. 2. Make sure to stop the container: :: docker-compose stop 3. Copy the ``Dockerfile`` and the ``entrypoint.sh`` files from the new version to the directory where you extracted the previous version. 4. Rebuild and start: :: docker-compose build docker-compose up -d