Detailed instructions

The installer mentioned in the Quickstart instructions only supports a limited number of distributions. In case your distributions is not supported, please refer to the following generic instructions to install on your system.

Step 0: create a specific user

It is usually advised, for security reason, to always launch a service accessible from the outside world with a user different from root. Therefore, you should create for example the koozic user, with the appropriate access rights to your music files.

Step 1: install prerequisites

First step of installation is to get all the package and pip dependencies. As a references, here are the packages for:

Depending on what is available for your distribution, some dependencies might need to be installed with pip instead of your package manager. The complete list is given in the requirements.

You will also need a recent version of FFmpeg (>= 3.4).

Important note: Pillow==5.4.1 requires zlib1g-dev and libjpeg-dev.

Step 2: set-up PostgreSQL

Second step is to set-up PostgreSQL. Assuming you will run KooZic with the user named koozic, you need to create the corresponding PostgreSQL user:

su - postgres -c "createuser -s koozic"

Step 3: Download

Third step is to download the latest version of KooZic (get the file koozic-*.tar.gz), uncompress the archive.

Step 4: launch KooZic

Fourth step is to execute this as the koozic user:

./odoo-bin --workers=4 -d koozic-v3 --limit-time-cpu=1800 --limit-time-real=3600 --without-demo=all --no-database-list

on Fedora, you need to add --db-template=template0 to the command line. This might be necessary for other distributions as well.

After 10-20 seconds (the very first execution takes some time since it needs to create all database- related stuff), you should be able to connect to http://localhost:8069 with the email / password admin.