
A handful of settings are provided regarding folder sharing and performances.

Folder Sharing

When active, the content of the Folders are shared among all Users. When inactive, each user has his own library. It’s a all-or-nothing configuration: either all folders are shared, or none of them. There is no possibility to choose which folders are shared and which aren’t.

It is advised to active the setting when all Users access the same music library to avoid duplicated information in the database.

User-specific data such as favorites, ratings or followed artists remains user-specific whatever the configuration.

Default: Inactive (user specific)

Scheduled Actions

Several processes are run in the background, called Scheduled Actions. Their purpose is to update the data without any user intervention. 4 actions can be deactivated thanks to this option:

  • Folder scanning: scan the folders for new content (every 3 hours)
  • Artists image cache: resize the artist images to speed up the view loading
  • Albums image cache: resize the album images to speed up the view loading
  • Events cache: fetch the events of the followed artists
  • LastFM cache: prefetch the artist information on LastFM to speed up the artist view loading

Deactivate this option if you have limited resources.

Default: Active

Default Views

The albums and artists are available as a Kanban or Tree views. The Kanban view is a bit nicer but also slower to load (because of the thumbnails). This options allows you to choose which is the default view used when accessing albums or artists.

Default: Kanban, with thumbnails

Artists and Events Info

If the artists and events information has not been fetched yet or outdated (112 days for LastFM, 182 days for Spotify and 14 days for events) it is automatically fetched. When deactivated, the user must update the information manually. It can be done ‘Update Artist Info’ and ‘Update Events Info’ in the ‘Action’ menu.

Default: Fetched automatically

Disable Transcoding

In case of a system with limited resources (e.g. Raspberry Pi), transcoding shows poor performances. Therefore, it might be useful to completely deactivate the transcoding feature in the whole application.

When activated, the transcoding is deactivated whatever the configuration of the playlist or the third-party Subsonic app. It means that it overrides the Audio Mode as well as the Subsonic API Format options.

Only in Debug Mode.

Default: False

Subsonic API Format

A regular Subsonic server converts the tracks to the MP3 format only. However, most modern mobile applications can handle other formats such as Ogg or Opus. The setting gives the possibility to choose the format used when connecting through the Subsonic API.

Note that it is strongly recommended to keep the default value. Changing it might lead to unexpected behaviors of your mobile application.

Only in Debug Mode.

Default: mp3